The Purpose for Initiation Rites
learning how to fit in and be accepted socially by your new brothers. It is also important for existing members of groups to initiate the new members. When initiation rites are done appropriately, they meet needs for a sense of belonging, and the group's needs for members to understand the history and culture of the group, and build relationships with others who belong.
Initiation rites are comprised of pro-social behaviors that build social relationships, understanding, empathy, civility, altruism and moral decision-making..PROVE YOUR WORTH
Initiation rites are activities expected of someone in order to be treated as a full member of a group. Many groups, from executive boards to tribal societies, have recognized the need to initiate new members. An initiation activity may involve learning the history and principles of the group, engaging in recreational, team-building or community-building games, or overcoming some physical challenge that requires skill or maturity. Brother elders typically guide initiation rites toward specific goals using specific means gleaned from years of experience, insight, and wisdom. Initiates, however, do not know what is happening to them or what it means; their knowledge and comprehension will come gradually.