1. Give Proper Attention To The Interests Of Gayboifraternity & Alpha Omega Sigma.

Ordinarily a boy should not become a pledge to a fraternity unless he can give a reasonable amount of time to its affairs. Every pledge should look forward to holding at least one chapter office.

2. Regard The Fraternity With A Spirit Of Sincerity And Respect And Give Earnest Considerations To Its Teachings And Ideals.

It is absurd to attempt to control another’s thoughts, nor would it be desirable or in harmony with the ideals of Gayboifraternity to suppress individuality or freedom of mind. When a pledge accepts the offer of membership, he obligates himself to regard the Fraternity with a spirit of sincerity and respect and to give its teachings his sincere consideration.

3. Cheerfully Perform Tasks That May Be Assigned For The Good Of The Fraternity

No boy wants to belong to a fraternity he cannot respect. Before initiation the pledge is not in a position to know or appreciate fully the significance and importance of Gayboifraternity's ideals and influences.

4. At All Times Be A Gentleman And Use Moderation In All Things.

Courtesy and consideration, the foundation of manners and major ingredients of morals, should be the guiding principles in a pledge’s or member’s behavior not only in the chapter house and among fraternity brothers but everywhere. Neither pledges nor initiated members should show disrespect in any way whatsoever to the name of Gayboifraternity.

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